
the easiest way to manage JSON objects with Qt

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Source code

Currently QJson code is hosted on a github repository.

You can download latest development version using a git client:

git clone git://github.com/flavio/qjson.git

Now create a new branch for your new feature/bug fix:

git checkout -b my_new_branch

Submitting changes

The recommended way to submit your changes is via a pull request, but you can send your patches to the QJson developers mailing list or to me.

Before submitting a patch please ensure:

  • Patched code compiles.
  • The patch is fixing a specific issue or implementing a new feature (it’s not doing multiple things at the same time).
  • If you have patched the bison parser please don’t include changes made to json_parser.{cc,hh}.
  • QJson unit tests have been updated.
  • QJson unit tests are passing.

Note well: I won’t merge changes that are not covered by a unit test.

Unit testing

QJson unit tests are located under the tests directory. You can enable them passing the -DQJSON_BUILD_TESTS=yes option to cmake.

Note well: make sure you followed the build instructions.

Move into the build directory and type:

make tests

This is going to run all the unit tests.

If you want to run the QJson::Parser unit tests just type:


If you want to run the QJson::Serializer unit tests just type:


If you want to run the QJson::QObjectHelper tests just type:


If you want to test the QJson parser against a specific JSON object you can use the cmdline_tester program.

This binary is located under the tests directory and has a straightforward syntax:

./tests/cmdline_tester/cmdline_tester text_file_containing_json_object

The command will convert the JSON object to a QVariant and dump it to stdout. More options are available via cli options, just checkout the --help output.

Note well: cmdline_tester relies on qDebug() for dumping the object. qDebug has some limitations, like being unable to print utf8 chars.